RMI relaunches to transform energy on a global scale

Clare Kelly
by Clare Kelly
8 February 2021
RMI, formerly known as Rocky Mountain Institute, has launched a new brand identity to mark an important inflection point in its support of the global clean energy transition.

RMI focusses on decarbonising energy systems in the world’s most critical geographies – at speed and at scale.

RMI has rebuilt its incredible portfolio to align with the target of cutting global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 50% by 2030 - and by driving the global economy toward net-zero emissions by 2050 (consistent with a 1.5-degree Celsius future).

Doubling Down in the Decisive Decade

Richard Branson and Virgin Unite have been on this energy transition journey with RMI for many years. Back in 2009 – in response to the growing threat of climate change- Richard Branson, Virgin Unite and a group of like-minded entrepreneurs founded the Carbon War Room as a global non-profit. The Carbon War Room’s goal was to accelerate the adoption of business solutions to advance the low-carbon economy.

The Carbon War Room engaged directly in transforming markets to generate business-led solutions in maritime shipping, buildings, aviation, and other sectors. In 2014, Carbon War Room successfully merged into Rocky Mountain Institute because more could be done, both faster and better, by working together than by working apart. Today, Carbon War Room’s bold, entrepreneurial approach is part of all RMI does to transform global energy use.

"We’ve been so inspired by RMI’s hard work, commitment, vision and focus on holding the world to a 1.5 degree target. This is the decisive decade, and what we do now, and how quickly we do it, will determine what type of world we leave for future generations," said Richard Branson of RMI’s work and evolution.


With a new logo and evolved name RMI is signalling a new moment in its history - the organisation is building upon its reputation as a trusted resource for combining the best of technology, science, proven market-based approaches and an entrepreneurial spirit. RMI is rising to meet the climate emergency challenge by pioneering faster, more effective ways to engender unconventional partnerships, identify key tipping points to rapidly scale change in global energy systems, and mobilise action.

“We have a bold goal: to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and secure a clean, prosperous, zero-carbon future for all,” said Jules Kortenhorst, CEO of RMI. “This requires a just and equitable transition through radical, inclusive collaboration across all parts of society around the world, including those who are historically disadvantaged and underserved.”

With less than 10 years to avert the disastrous effects of climate change, the world urgently needs transformative energy solutions. RMI’s bold goal to cut GHG emissions 50% by 2030 rests on a comprehensive, ambitious portfolio aimed at critical global geographies. The new portfolio is centred on achieving a clean electricity grid that powers three key sectors: carbon-free buildings, transportation, and industry, so to exponentially accelerate the scale of transformation.

To learn more about RMI’s work visit their brand new website and see how you can support them in mobilising this transformative change.