Congratulations Mr Bates – and Mrs Bates!

Richard Branson marrying Alan Bates on Necker
Mar Javierto
Virgin Galactic
Richard Branson's signature
Published on 8 September 2024

Many of you will know the extraordinary story of Alan Bates and his wonderful partner Suzanne. Alan is a former sub-postmaster who has, with the support of Suzanne, remarkably led the campaign for victims of the British Post Office scandal. After the ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office brought the tale to a wider public, Alan mentioned in an interview: “If Richard Branson is reading this, I’d love a holiday.”

I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving of a break, so it was a great pleasure to surprise Alan and Suzanne with Virgin Atlantic flights, a trip to Necker Island, and a Virgin Voyage. This week, Alan and Suzanne joined us on Necker.

It turns out the couple were also thinking of taking a new step in their long and loving relationship – tying the knot. Joan and I got married many years into our partnership too, so we were delighted to offer Necker as the perfect location for their marriage. And yours truly just happens to be experienced in conducting weddings…

Mar Javierto
Mar Javierto

Alan and Suzanne were joined by lots of new friends on Turtle Beach for their ceremony. As I said, their new friends also represented the millions of people who were unable to be here but hold them in such high respect. The millions of others all sent letters of congratulations, but there was an issue at the Post Office!

As I shared with the happy couple: “What you have accomplished together is no small feat and I’m sure beyond what you ever thought was possible. Your journey began the moment you first met. You took the time to learn what makes the other person smile, what makes them laugh and how to best support each other when life is less than simple. And thanks to your commitment to others, it’s certainly been less than simple.

“Marriage can bring difficult days, just as they bring beautiful ones. Today is a reminder of what your love has already accomplished, and the amazing possibilities of what it can continue to accomplish in the many, many years ahead of you.”

I also said that, with Alan being a Knight of the realm, they may be the only couple in the world where the words ‘making an honest Lady of her’ couldn’t be more true!

Mar Javierto
Mar Javierto

At the end of the ceremony, Alan and Suzanne yelled a hearty “We do!”, agreeing to commit to taking one another as partners, from this day forward, as husband and wife. Then we enjoyed a fitting night of celebrations for a very special couple.

It was an absolute joy to play a small part in Alan and Suzanne’s love story, and I know they will continue to spread the beautiful light they share with everyone around them.